She was born on July 1, 2012 at 10:14 AM, weighing 6 lb. 11 oz. and measuring 19 3/4 in.
We are blessed to have experienced the goodness, sovereignty, and love of our God in profound new ways during Juliet's birth and in these first two weeks of her life.
Over the past month (I know! My baby is almost 1 month old and I am just now posting her birth announcement on here. Busy, tired mommy over here!), I have been made more and more aware of my sinfulness. My selfishness, impatience, and lack of self control (just to name a few) have all reared their ugly heads multiple times daily. I praise the Lord for a Godly husband, who prays for me and with me and who constantly rebukes and encourages me in the Lord.
We have been studying the book of Philippians in our Sunday School class. I have heard sermon after sermon and done study after study on this particular book of the Bible. I could probably give you a pretty good devotional study on it myself. But, the Lord knows that I have most definitely not learned everything I need to about living a Christ-centered, selfless, joyful life. In fact, sometimes I wonder if I have learned anything!
Philippians chapters 2 and 4 have been continually running through my head over the past few weeks. Especially during those moments when I am tempted to sin. Aren't you thankful for the Holy Spirit in times like that? I know I am!
I don't think it's a coincidence that Paul encourages the Philippians to be selfless, servant-minded people while at the same time commanding them to rejoice in the Lord always.
This is what the Lord has been teaching me over and over again. I must give of myself and serve my little girl, thinking more highly of her than of myself. Yes, I will always get up multiple times in the middle of the night to feed her. Yes, I will always rock and shush and sing to her when she's fussy. Yes, I will change that dirty diaper for the 100 millionth time today. It is my responsibility as her mother. I do it because I love her. But, do I always do it with joy? No. Do I grumble and complain under my breath? Goodness, yes.
I am being constantly reminded and rebuked that to truly love my daughter is to serve her. To serve her with joy. To show her the love of Christ by having the mind of Christ. And, I can do all of this through His strength.